Christmas Party: Even year is adult only, Odd year is family.
The chairperson starts getting the helpers together and making plans starting in September starting with location. Then when, food selection, decorations, Santa (optional), games, raffle, music, etc. The budget is set at the beginning of the year by the board. Odd years it is a Family party, which is usually a potluck style meal, with the club providing the meat and drinks. 30 to 70 members can usually participate.
or information that you want to share with your visitors.
Desensitization Clinic: A trail course and arena event designed expose your horse to a variety of obstacles and situations that may frighten your horse with the goal of decreasing their reaction to it. Person in charge of the event will do the purchasing and organizing.
Easter Egg Hunt: Held Saturday before Easter. Chairperson plans the day, which includes hunt (plastic eggs w/ candy) by the very small children followed by a hunt (plastic eggs w/ prize descriptions inside) by everyone on horseback. Prizes are given out for finding “Special Eggs.” A potluck follows. The club has a budget for this event. Come early to hide eggs and candy and hope for good weather.
Fun Nights: They run the second and fourth Tuesday of the month April thru September weather permitting. Committee plans the games, sets up and takes down the timers, keeps the batteries charged, provides arena crew, announcer, and hands out candy bars to winning participants. They also keep an account of all participants earned points and award the end of year prizes at the October or November monthly meeting.
Spook Challenge: A trail course event designed around Halloween time for fun and entertainment. This was designed to be a fund raiser for the club. The committee is in charge of cleaning up the trail course, deciding what obstacles to set up, set up and take down, parking crew, runners, ect.
Trail Rides: Committee responsible for setting up day ride and overnight camping (if enough interest) opportunities for the club. Committee provides all dates, times, maps and other area information to club.
Punch and Cookies: Need to sign up for a monthly meeting to bring punch and cookies for the membership to share.
Grounds/Maintenance Committee: Committee and sub-committees established for the purpose of initiating and accomplishing specific projects as set forth by the membership. A committee listing will include a listing of members who are willing to donate time and/or equipment to help maintain TMRC grounds. The committee should organize clean-up days and volunteer efforts. The committee can be broken into sub-committees that are in charge of such items as sprinkler, outhouse and clubhouse maintenance, weed and gopher control, and arena conditions.